Bedroom Design Ideas for a Modern Interior Design

Bedroom Design Ideas for a Modern Interior Design

The master bedroom is our sleepy santuary. It is the place where we can express our inner self. Brabbu‘s blog gatthered the best bedroom design ideas for a modern interior design.

Bedroom Design Ideas for a Modern Interior Design

If you are looking for a modern interior design, this master bedroom is the perfect inspiration for you. Simple and elegant bedroom decoration with a colorful statement piece Ibis armchair. Ibis are beautiful birds, known for their long slim legs. The IBIS ARMCHAIR was inspired by this natural elegance, with all the refinement of velvet in a unique upholstery piece. The Kayan wall mirror is complemented with Aruna brass wall lamp.

Bedroom Design Ideas for a Modern Interior Design

For interior design styles more masculine, this bedroom could be used as inspiration. Dark color tones and a small Pixel nightstand to give the room a contemporary interior design. Suspension lights are Vellum by Brabbu.

Bedroom Design Ideas for a Modern Interior Design

If on the previous image the design was more masculine, here we have feminime master bedroom ideas. Crochet nightstand and Newton wall lamp give the beroom a glomorous touch. Newton Lamp is a monumental piece which authenticates Boca do Lobo designers and artisans’ work.

Bedroom Design Ideas for a Modern Interior Design

Bedroom interior design tips: pick a minimal nightstand like this beautiful grey Lapiaz by Boca do Lobo and instead of filling it with massive table lamps, use a minimalist Ike suspension lamp.

Bedroom Design Ideas for a Modern Interior Design

For a beach house interior design, decorate your bedroom walls with sea tones like aqua and then add strong materials like brass. Symphony nightstand is made from wood finished covered by a tubular structure in gold plated brass. Turner table lamp is from Delightfull.

For more information visit Brabbu‘s Blog and Inspirations and Ideas‘s page.