Sneak Peek Inside The Condo Of Fifty Shades of Grey Escala Tower

Sneak Peek Inside The Condo Of Fifty Shades of Grey Escala Tower

With the “Fifty shades of grey movie about to open in theaters worldwide in mid-February, increasing interest is being generated in the very tony downtown Escala Tower at 1920 Fourth Ave. in Seattle, the centerpiece of E.L. James 2012 novel. Lookie loos sometimes have their picture taken in front of the street sign and the palatial staircase inside.

If you are one of the thousands of fans and really want to know every little detail about Fifty Shades of Grey, this article is for you. Today BRABBU takes you inside Mr. Christian Grey’s condo. Find here a sneak peek inside the condo Escala Tower.

Sneak Peek Inside The Condo Of Fifty Shades of Grey Escala Tower

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"Fifty Shades of Grey Movie set decor"

Sneak peek inside condo of Fifty Shades of Grey Escala tower 1

Up on the 24th floor, with its breathtaking views of the city, bachelor Mark Davis, 61, is selling his luxury 1,955-square foot condo for $1.925 million. He has lived there for two-and-a-half years.

Sneak peek inside condo of Fifty Shades of Grey Escala tower 1

Davis is a successful businessman, founder and owner of Redmond-based Precision Electric Group, providing electrical contracting services to building owners and facility directors to reduce energy usage and costs to big drug manufacturers, data centers and other businesses. Clients include Microsoft, Juno, Bristol Meyers Squibb, Amgen, and others.

Sneak peek inside condo of Fifty Shades of Grey Escala tower 1

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Sneak peek inside condo of Fifty Shades of Grey Escala tower 1

Davis was there at Escala when “Fifty Shades of Grey” was being filmed, but says he has no connection to the book at all. “Except there is one coincidence – my mother’s maiden name is Grey,” he said. What he loves most about living there at Escala are the vistas (and we totally understand!)

Sneak peek inside condo of Escala tower 1 Sneak peek inside condo of  Escala tower 1

I don’t have any columns that obstruct the view. It is a 90-degree water view, and a 180-degree view of the city, through 36 feet of window. It’s amazing every time I am in my home. It never gets old,” Davis said.

Sneak peek inside condo of Escala tower 1 Sneak peek inside condo of Escala tower 1

Escala Tower is the one place in Seattle with spacious open concept homes, amenities and services that rival the most exclusive clubs in the city and a location amidst the vibrant retail, restaurants and entertainment venues downtown offers.

This kind of luxury is very characteristic of the story in Fifty Shades of Grey, and so Escada could really be the only choice for Christian Grey’s condo and apartment. Isn’t it beautiful?