VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art

V. A. Gallery, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art

VA Gallery Poland was founded in 2011 with the aim to develop a new way to promote art. They present it not only on a real physical location but also virtually. V. A. Gallery consistently executes the mission of sensitising the audience to Polish Contemporary Art, both at home and abroad.

Contemporary art, which is both easier to use in interior design solutions and more accessible than the works of older generation artists, is particularly appreciated. Characterised by a multitude of formal solutions, the choice of techniques, formats and materials, and finally also colourful diversity, contemporary art projects are a grateful object to fill all type of interiors.

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VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art
Damian Lechoszest – ‘Longing’
VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art
Grażyna Jeżak – ‘Enchanted Hackney’


VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art

V. A. Gallery repeatedly looks for new ways to disseminate art, having the ambition to not only do it based on traditional forms of presenting artists and their achievements but to it so in innovative ways. This can be seen in numerous initiatives such as a series of meetings ‘Marriage of art and business‘, projects – ‘Art on/on/art‘, ‘OnOff’, or involvement in the innovative concept of ‘Rent an Artist‘.

VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art
Karol Bąk – ‘The Way to the Light’


VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art

VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art
Dariusz Żejmo – ‘Venetian Melancholy’

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V.A.Gallery Poland operates in a two worlds space – real and virtual, drawing from each of them what is most valuable. Cyberspace is mainly for fast communication and knowledge, and the real world is priceless, and direct contacts with people is an ideal opportunity to take a close look at real art, a sense of magic and emotions that it brings.

VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art
Mirek Antoniewicz – “A_(13)” SERIES: MY PLACE”


VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art

VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art
Ewa Jasek – ‘Brigette Bardot’

The Gallery’s offer includes works of recognised artists as well as works of the young generation just beginning their artistic journey. The presented works belong to many currents of Polish contemporary art.

VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art
Magdalena Serwin – ‘Carefree Afternoon
VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art
Julia Myga – ‘Holiday’

The V. A. Gallery’s offer includes easel painting, graphics, drawing, photography, sculpture, applied art as well as innovative arrangement projects. As an art gallery, they believe that an accent in the form of art will always give creative expression to space. Depending on the composition and colours, it will influence the emotions and mood of the inhabitants.

In addition to presentation and sales, the V. A. Gallery also provides consultancy in the field of creating interiors and creating private and company collections of contemporary art.

To find out more about V. A. Gallery, check their website here!

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VA Gallery Poland, The Perfect Place to Admire and Purchase Art

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